Central Presbyterian Church was established on January 2, 1927, with the merger of two Dayton Presbyterian churches, Fourth Presbyterian Church and Park Presbyterian Church (located on St. Clair Street), using the facilities of Park Presbyterian Church. In 1955, the congregation began considering the possibility of a new beginning in a suburban community and in October 1956, Central Presbyterian Church became a part of a rapidly growing neighborhood in Miami Township, at 4699 Lamme Road.
From October 1956 until shortly before Easter 1958, when the first phase of the building was completed, worship was held in C.F. Holliday Elementary School. The new facility included a large fellowship hall with an adjoining lounge and kitchen as well as basement space that provided six rooms for Sunday School classes. Continued growth led to the decision to add a new sanctuary, an educational wing and administrative offices. In May 1963, the congregation approved an expansion program and two years later, in June 1965, the church dedicated the new facilities - what is the Central Presbyterian Church building today.
In 2003, the congregation built and dedicated the Geddes Family Memorial Pavilion, in honor of the Geddes Family, long-time members of the church. The pavilion, located behind the church building, is used for outdoor worship, church picnics and other events, such as Vacation Bible School.
In the summer of 2010, a major renovation to our church building was undertaken with the replacement of the flat roof portions of the building with a pitched metal roof.
One of the most unique and authentic features of the sanctuary is the stained glass window that occupies the east wall. The window is composed of 437 square feet of Dahl glass artistically faceted to bring the viewer all the rich profusion of color and configuration projected through it by the variation of captured daylight and shadow.
The Christus Window celebrates the basic witness and historic tradition of the Church. The central and dominant figure is Jesus Christ, with hands outstretched in welcome and compassion. Throughout the design are symbols of our faith. The masterpiece reminds us, and all who follow us, of our Lord and of His life, death and resurrection and of our witness to Him who has said, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
(1927) John G. Huber
(1927-1929) James L. Hill
(1929-1930) Sharon K. Scott
(1930-1936) Marshall Harrington
(1936-1951) Stanley L. Weems
(1951-1959) Donald R. Gibson
(1959-1966) David R. Rightor
(1967-1983) Robert W. McQuilkin
(1983-2003) Douglas DeCelle
(2004-2005) E. Wayne McLaughlin (Interim)
(2005-2008) David W. Crapnell
(2008-2012) David E. Jackson (Stated Supply/Interim)
(2012-Present) Clifford R. Haddox