Building & Grounds

To provide maintenance to our church building and grounds above and beyond the regular every day needs.
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Christian Education

To educate those in our church and community to the fullest on understanding God's love, living the Word in our daily lives, seeking God through serving others and growing in our spiritual journey.
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Set forth in Scripture as one of sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ. It is our duty as deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith.

As a board, several of our duties, though an important aspect of the life of our church, are routine in nature. In this area, we prepare for and clean up after communion, visit the homebound, keep the church and Session informed about our activities and respond to requests for service when called on by our Session.

With regard to mission outreach, the Board of Deacons oversees Project Santa, Santa Breakfast and Community Support.
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Assists the church Treasurer in the allocation of funds and in making recommendations to the church Session for the funding of proposed projects. The committee generally meets monthly, but meets more often during the stewardship and budget preparation seasons. The committee is responsible for preparing a proposed annual church budget to be presented to and acted on by the Session. The committee was formed in 2007 at the request of the church Treasurer and the Session.
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Strives to create a warm and welcoming church home for all. We welcome visitors and new members and create opportunities for fellowship within the congregation, such as Game Night and Ice Cream Socials.
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Parish Life

Brings our congregation together for fellowship and friendship. Many thanks to the help of our committee members and members of the church.
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Praise Team

Works with the pastor and music director to plan and execute a casual, upbeat, intergenerational contemporary praise and worship. The team coordinates music and media throughout the year with a focus on delivering a Christ-centered message to all members and visitors.
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Sanctuary Care

Works with the Worship Committee overseeing ushers, acolytes, visuals, banners, paraments and other areas pertaining to worship.
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Special & Memorial Gifts

Created by Session with duties spelled out in the Session-approved policy of October 16, 2003. Central Church has many members and friends who have time, talents and financial resources that they wish to share. Special and memorial gifts are made to the church to extend the operating budget. These gifts take many forms and serve a multitude of purposes in the ministry of Central Church.
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Vision Task Force

Serves as the long range visioning team for the congregation. This committee leads the Session and congregation in the ongoing process of identifying, implementing and evaluating the goals of ministry for Central Presbyterian Church.
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